Hi. It seems strange to talk about servicing your Monitor Heater when the weather outside is so nice and warm. But it is that time of year. Those cool fall mornings will be here soon.
Our company specilizes in Monitor Heaters and Laser Heaters. We are here to make sure that you have clean, safe and affordable heat. Here is a summary of what we offer for our customers:
We have an extensive inventory of both NEW and USED Monitor Heater Parts.
If you don't see the part you need listed, let us know and if we have it or can get it, we will list it for you.
In-Shop Monitor Heater Service and Repair
Call us to set up an appointment to drop off your Monitor Heater for Service or Repair
Same day / Emergency Repair available
We also offer Pick Up / Reinstall Service if you are not able to bring your heater in
Loaner heaters available if needed while your heater is being repaired
Technical Assistance over the phone
If you need assistance in servicing or repairing your Monitor Heater, call to set up
an appointment with the technician